
基于参与性调查的农户水土保持行为影响因素分析 被引量:2

Analysis on the Influence Factors of the Water and Soil Conservation Behavior Based on Participatory Rural Investigation
摘要 以重庆市长寿区武华山水土保持综合治理项目区为例,采用参与式农户评估法(PRA)对项目区160户农户进行了随机调查。调查采用问卷加访谈的方式进行,就目前农户行为的决策过程、农户对目前土地政策的认知和对水土保持措施的倾向作了分析。结果表明,由于土地收益低下,多数农户不愿耕种土地,而有意识地通过水土保持治理措施来提高土地质量从而增加收入的农户仅占10%;农户的生产决策行为受家庭收入、收入来源、耕地细碎化程度、户主年龄、教育水平等因素的影响较大;农户对目前的土地政策信心不足,严重影响了农民进行水土保持治理的积极性;对相关水土保持措施的倾向研究发现,农户首选修筑梯田和植树种草两种水土保持措施并且更倾向由政府出资共同治理水土流失。 This article adopted random investigation to 160 peasant households in Wuhua mountain project district with participatory rural appraisal (PRA).The style of questionnaire and interview was used in investigation, and the decision-making process, the cognitive intensity of the land policy as well as the inclination of the water and soil conservation measure of peasant household at present was analyzed.The research results showed that most peasant household didn't want to cultivate land because of the low income of land, peasant households who had consciousness of improving land quality to increase income by administration measure of water and soil conservation only accounted 10 percent.It was of great impact of the production decision behavior of peasant households which were melted factors such as the family income, source of revenue, cultivated land in small, broken bits, householder's age, level of education, etc.Peasant households were insufficient to present land policy confidence, which influenced seriously peasants' enthusiasm in water and soil conservation.Peasant households inclined to control soil and water loss together at the cost of government and two kinds of water and soil conservation measures which included planting trees and grass and constructing the terraced fields were better selection for peasant households.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2010年第8期1873-1876,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAD87B10 2008BAD98B01) 国家自然科学基金项目(40671115)
关键词 参与式农户评估法(PRA) 农户行为 水土保持 影响因素 participatory rural appraisal behavior of peasant households water and soil conservation influence factors
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