
基于SVPWM控制的高功率因数整流器的研究 被引量:3

Study on High Power Factor Rectifier Based on the Control Method of SVPWM
摘要 采用空间电压矢量控制技术对高功率因数PWM整流器进行分析和建模,以简化型的SVPWM控制策略实现PWM控制。通过Matlab/Simulink对交流侧电压电流以及直流侧电压进行仿真。仿真结果证明这种控制的动态响应速度快,直流侧电压稳定,交流侧电流为正弦波,且电压电流同相位,实现了单位功率因数,对谐波的产生进行了有效的抑制。 High power factor PWM rectifier is analyzed and modeled in this paper by adopting SVPWM control technology.A simplified SVPWM control strategy is adopted to realize PWM control.Simulation of the AC-side voltage and current,as well as DC side voltage is carried out by Matlab /Simulink.Simulation results prove that this control method has fast dynamic response.The voltage in DC side is stable.AC-side current is sinusoidal,and the voltage and current have the same phase.So the unity power factor is realized and harmonic is eliminated effectively.
出处 《电气自动化》 2010年第4期20-22,62,共4页 Electrical Automation
关键词 空间电压矢量 高功率因数 整流器 SVPWM high power factor rectifier
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