
生物阻抗胃动力检测方法 被引量:2

A method for measurement of bio-impedance gastric motility
摘要 采用生物阻抗方法,依据胃组织和胃内食物的电特性及其在消化过程中的变化规律,可提取与胃动力学状况相对应的生理、病理信息,研究胃的收缩、蠕动、传导及排空过程,实现胃动力功能的无创检测与胃运动状况的评价。回顾了生物电阻抗胃动力检测方法的发展,总结了阻抗胃动力信号的特征,从胃动力电-机复合机制的认识高度介绍了阻抗胃动力检测方法,评述了阻抗胃动力方法在功能性消化不良患者胃动力检测,胃炎患者的胃动力评价,以及胃癌检测与普查等方面的应用研究,提出了阻抗胃动力方法今后的发展建议。 Using electrical bioimpedance method,physiological and pathological information related to gastric motility state can be collected according to the electrical property of the stomach tissue or the food in stomach and the change rules of the property to investigate the courses of contraction,peristalsis,transmission and emptying of the stomach so that the gastric motility function can be measured and evaluated noninvasively.In this paper,the development history of electricalbioimpedance measurement technology is reviewed and the characters of gastric motility impedance signal summarized.The measurement method of impedance gastric motility is introduced from electricity-mechanism composite concept.Some application researches of impedance gastric motility measurement for patients with functional dyspepsia(FD),erosive gastritis and gastric cancer are reviewed.Finally,some development suggestions of impedance gastric motility measurement were put forward.
作者 赵舒 任超世
机构地区 中国医学科学院
出处 《中国医学装备》 2010年第8期1-6,共6页 China Medical Equipment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60471041)
关键词 胃动力 生物电阻抗 无创检测 电-机复合机制 应用研究 Gastric motility Electrical bioimpedance Noninvasive measurement Electricity-mechanism composite concept Application research
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