
基于预计算切片序列的动态体绘制技术 被引量:3

A Precomputed Slicing Based Volume Rendering Technique
摘要 为进一步提高基于硬件加速的体绘制技术的渲染性能,解决海量体绘制应用中体数据可视化环节的性能瓶颈,文中提出了一种基于硬件加速的实时切片体绘制技术的优化模型。相对于完全基于实时切片的体绘制系统,应用该技术在保证最终图像渲染质量的同时可节省动态判断切片方程的计算开销并大幅降低运行时的数据带宽需求。基于预计算的动态体绘制在切片方向选择空间中选取一组彼此正交的切片方案,并在预处理阶段生成切片几何数据,运行时根据视点位置通过特定判断算法进行方案选择。对基于分块的海量数据体绘制系统,该技术可有效降低海量体绘制的总体带宽消耗,从而进一步拓展系统的渲染规模。 To improve the rendering performance and solve the major bottoleneck of the mass-data volume rendering system a new slice based hardware acelerated volume rendering technique is given in this paper.Comparing with the common real time slicing technique,the new version can decrease the CPU cost as well as the runtime data bandwidth which is critical to the volume rendering system.The new technique generates a set of slicing data on the initialization stage and when the volume needs to be rendered the system just chooses an appropriate one from the precomputed slicing data.For mass-data volume rendering system,the technique can dramatically decrease the bandwidth requirement and so that larger dataset can be rendered.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2010年第8期5-8,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2008262) 江苏省高技术研究计划(工业)基金(BG2007037)
关键词 体绘制 切片 海量数据 图形处理单元 volume rendering slicing mass data GPU
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