将空间互联网协议SCPS-TP用于卫星通信系统中,并以SCPS-TP所使用的Vegas拥塞控制策略为基础,借鉴了TCP Hybla协议慢启动阶段拥塞窗口增长策略,同时对发生丢包及超时情况的拥塞窗口和慢启动阈值的变化进行了修改,从而提出了一种更适合于卫星通信链路应用的改进型Vegas方法。对该方法在GEO卫星通信系统链路中的应用进行了NS2软件仿真,并与TCP Vegas和TCP NewReno方法进行比较与分析。结果表明,该改进型Vegas拥塞控制策略的平均吞吐量较TCP Vegas有15%的提高。
Space interact protocol SCPS-TP was used in satellite communication system. Based on the Vegas congestion control used in space internet protocol SCPS-TP,learning from the congestion window growth strategy in slow-start phase of TCP Hybla protocol,modifying the threshold changes of congestion window and slow start when occurring packet loss and timeout, an improved Vegas strategy that is more fit for satellite communication link is presented. The improved strategy was simulated by NS2 software in GEO satellite communication link and compared with TCP Vegas and TCP NewReno. Results show the throughput of the proposed method in this paper gained a 15% improvement contrasting to TCP Vegas.
Electronic Design Engineering