
旅游产品的差异性与城市旅游中心地的区域结构 被引量:1

The Diversity of Tourist Products and the Regional Structure of Urban Tourist Central Places
摘要 现代城市的发展不但促进了许多新的旅游中心地的产生,而且形成了不少新的城市旅游中心地的区域结构。这是现代旅游产业集聚的一大特征。本文把旅游消费者行为中关于多样化偏好和追求效用最大化的经济学理论,运用于城市旅游中心地的周边旅游目的地的区位结构研究。全文从消费者对一个周边旅游目的地做单一往返旅游、对全部周边旅游目的地分别做单一往返旅游以及对全部周边旅游目的地做链路旅游等三个方面来分析其总消费效用最大化问题,最后求得城市旅游中心地在总消费效用最大化前提下最优的两种基本区域结构。 The development of modem city not only accelerates the emergence of many new urban tourist central places, but also makes many new urban tourist central places' regional structures take form. This is an important characteristic of modem tourist industry agglomeration. The paper puts forward the skeleton of the distribution structures of urban tourist central places' surrounding tourist destinations in the theories on consumer's diverse preferences and utility maximization. We analyse consumers' utility maximization from three aspects : in the case of separate trip-making to a surrounding destination ; in the case of separate trip-making to each of all surrounding destinations; in the case of an improvement about consumers' utility by trip-chaining some or all trips. Final this paper gives two major optimal regional structures of urban tourist central places under the premise of consumers' utility maximization.
出处 《产经评论》 2010年第4期122-129,共8页 Industrial Economic Review
关键词 旅游消费多样化偏好 城市旅游中心地 效用最大化 tourist consumer's diverse preferences urban tourist central place utility maximization
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