
宪法修正案的合宪性审查:印度之实践与争论 被引量:1

Study on Constitutional Amendment's Complying with Constitution:Practice and Debate in India
摘要 宪法修正案的合宪性审查在理论上和实践上都是极具争议的;尽管如此,一些国家和地区仍采用司法审查以限制修宪权的滥用,其中以印度最具特色。印度最高法院对宪法修正案的审查经历了不予审查、矫枉过正、基本特征基准的确立、基本特征基准的巩固与发展四个阶段。这引起了印度理论界和实务界的激烈争论。争论涉及各个方面,如宪法修正案是否为法律,修宪权与立法权的关系,此类合宪性审查的反民主性,等等。对宪法修正案合宪性审查的研究虽然取得了巨大的成就,但仍然存在诸多不足。 It is heatedly discussed theoretically and practically concerning the issue of constitutional amendment’s complying with Constitution.However,some countries still restrain the overuse of revising Constitution by adopting judicial examination with India as an example.The Supreme Court of India develops in four stages dealing with examining constitutional amendment as follows: refusing to examine,overacting period,establishment of standard of basic features,and the consolidation and development of standard of basic feature.This gives rise to intense debate in Indian theoretical circle and relevant practical circle.The debate is concerned with many aspects such as the legality of the amendment,relation between right to amend Constitution and legislation,the anti-democracy nature of the examination of constitutional amendment’s complying with constitution.This kind of study is fruitful but there are still some demerits.
作者 柳建龙
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期79-84,共6页 Seeking Truth
基金 中国青年政治学院资助项目
关键词 宪法修正案 司法审查 基本特征基准 印度最高法院 Bill of Constitutional Amendment judicial examination standard of basic feature Supreme Court of India
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  • 1柳建龙,韩大元(评议人),M.P.Singh.宪法修正案的合宪性审查:以印度为中心[J].法学家,2009(1):149-157. 被引量:1
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  • 1Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, para.951, MANU 1973 SC 0445. para. 1253.
  • 2Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain, para.436, MANU 1975 SC 0304.
  • 3Kihota Hollohon v. Zachilhu, para.21, MANU 1993 SC 0101.
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  • 5Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, para.804, MANU 1973 SC 0445.
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