目的:初步分析Q-开关激光治疗面部黄褐斑新方法的临床效果和安全性。方法:应用Medlite Q-开关激光,波长1064nm,6mm光斑,1~4J/cm^2能量治疗本院40例黄褐斑患者,观察临床疗效及不良反应。结果:40例患者随机分成4个治疗组,分别接受能量密度为1、2、3和4J/cm^2,波长为1064nm,光斑直径为6mm,每10天治疗1次,连续6次的治疗,有4例患者黄褐斑基本完全消退,15例明显消退,13例有效,8例改善不明显,仅l例患者治疗6次后出现色素沉着,黄褐斑加深,未见色素减退和瘢痕。结论:大光斑低剂量Q-开关激光治疗黄褐斑是安全、有效的,不良反应用少,更容易为患者所接受。
Objective:To analyze the clinical efficacy and safety of Q-switched, large-spot low-dose laser in the treatment of melasma. Methods : Forty patients with melasma in our hospital underwent Medlite Q-switched laser therapy (1064 nm wavelength, 6mm light spot and 1 -4J/cm^2 energy density). Clinical efficacy and adverse reactions were observed. Result :40 melasma patients were randomly divided into 4 groups, according to energy density respectively of 1 J/cm^2, 2 J/cm^2 , 3 J/cm^2 and 4 J/cm^2 , with wavelength at 1064 nm and 6mm light spot in diameter. The treatment was performed once every ten days, and for 6 cycles in total. Four patients were cured, 15 reported significant resolution, 13 reported effective and 8 showed no response. Hyperpigmentation and worsened melasma was seen only in 1 case after treatment for 6 cycles. Neither hypopigmentation nor superficial scar was noted in all cases. Conclusion: Q-switched large-spot low-dose laser may be an acceptable treatment due to its efficacy and safety in treatment of melasma with few adverse reactions.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College