
从“宪法委员会”到“宪法法院”——法国合宪性先决程序改革述评 被引量:31

From "Constitutional Council" to "Constitutional Court" on French Reform of Posteriori Constitutional Review
摘要 法国在2008年宪法改革中于原有的事前审查制之外创立了合宪性先决程序,在普通诉讼中若发现已生效的法律侵害基本权利,可终止案件审理,将合宪性问题提交宪法委员会。合宪性先决程序的核心是基本权利保障,并且这种保障基于法律的考量而启动,宪法委员会的审查程序也是裁判性的,因此,宪法委员会实质上已然是个"宪法法院"。合宪性先决程序连接了普通诉讼程序与违宪审查程序,将对法国的违宪审查、基本权利保障和普通司法体制产生重大影响。 In the 2008 constitutional reform,France established a posteriori review procedure.If,during proceedings in progress before a court of law,it is claimed that a legislative provision infringes the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution,the case may be referred by the Conseil d'?tat or by the Cour de Cassation to the Constitutional Council.The guarantee of fundamental rights has been brought into the heart of this review,and the launch of review is on a legal ground,and the procedure is judicial.Therefore,the Constitutional Council has substantially become a constitutional court.This reform will change the existing constitutional review procedure to a great degree.
作者 王建学
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期111-116,共6页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 法国 合宪性先决程序 宪法委员会 宪法法院 基本权利 France,Posteriori Constitutional Review,Constitutional Council,Constitutional Court,Fundamental Right
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