目的建立小鼠缺氧模型,注射不同剂量纳洛酮(NLX)对缺氧小白鼠呼吸抑制的反转及对急性重复缺氧小鼠耐受的影响进行研究,对β-内啡肽(β-EP)在小白鼠缺氧中的作用,以探讨临床应用NLX抢救急性缺氧患者时,使用NLX的注射剂量及时机。方法小白鼠分成3组,分别腹腔注射0.9%氯化钠注射液,0.4mg/mL和0.04mg/mL纳洛酮溶液,观察小鼠在密闭广口瓶内急性缺氧时喘呼吸出现的时间。结果小鼠经急性重复缺氧处理后耐受时间明显延长,腹腔注射0.4mg/mL NLX后的小鼠第一次耐受时间比对照组长(P<0.05)。腹腔注射0.04mg/mL NLX后的小鼠耐受时间比对照组短(P<0.05)。结论小鼠呼吸兴奋不利于密闭条件时重复缺氧耐受的形成。0.4mg/mL的纳洛酮使小鼠急性缺氧耐受性增强,0.04mg/mL的纳洛酮使小鼠急性缺氧耐受性减弱。
Objective In order to determine the dose and time of naloxone(NLX) treatment in the acute and repeated anoxia conditioning,the study was carried out using mice hypoxic models,about the effects of β-endorphin (β-EP),the reverse of respiratory depression and the change of hypoxic endurance time in mice injected with NLX in the hypoxic condition.Methods The mice were divided into 3 groups.The first group was injected with NC,The second group was injected with0.4mg/mL NLX,The third group was injected with0.04mg/mL NLX.Results Oxygen exhausting time of mice was significantly longer under hypoxic condition than under sham condition,but the oxygen exhausting time of mice from the second group under the hypoxic condition was significantly longer than the first group after injection of 0.4mg/mL NLX;there was a significant decrease in the 0.04mg/mL NLX mice compared to those in the first-group mice.Conclusion NLX can block the effect of β-EP released,reverse the respiratory depression,but the NLX in different dose make different effect in the endurance of the mice in the acute and repeated anoxia condition.0.4mg/mL NLX makes the anoxia-endurance of mice higher than the first group,0.04mg/mL NLX makes the anoxia-endurance of mice lower than the first group.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
acute and repeated anoxia