The relations among solar proton events,radio bursts and soft x ray (SXR) flares are analyzed in this paper.The statistical results indicate a positive logarithmic linear correlation between the peak fluxes of proton events and the peak fluxes (energy fluxes) of radio bursts or SXR flares.The correlation coefficients have reached 0.7-0.8,so we may use the above statistical results and the observed data of solar radio bursts or SXR flares to estimate the peak fluxes of corresponding proton events. The symbiotic relations among solar proton emissions,SXR flares and microwave bursts may be interpreted with magnetohydrodynamic processes in a simple flaring loop.The processes are due to the collisional heating of nonthermal electron beams injected downward from the microwave burst source (at the top of flaring loop) into the chromosphere during the impulsive phase of solar flares.About 33% of proton events occur without associated type Ⅱ bursts.These results show that for the acceleration of energetic protons in the flaring loop there are two different processes.They are the stochastic acceleration by MHD turbulence (accompanied by type Ⅱ bursts) and the fast magnetosonic wave turbulence acceleration for low frequencies (without type Ⅱ bursts,but with γ ray flares).
Acta Astronomica Sinica