鉴于J2ME和Web Services技术在部署企业移动应用上的优势,在深入研究这两种技术的基础上,结合实际项目构建了一个移动办公系统-移动OA。它面向企业的工作人员,让他们随时随地查询单位工作事务等信息,企业领导可以对下属工作进行查询与安排,移动办公系统,具有一定的实用价值,同时验证了用这两种技术构建企业移动应用程序的可行性。
Based on the J2ME and Web services technology,an enterprise mobile application called mobile OA system was designed and developed.It's business-oriented staff to enable them to any inquiries into the work affairs and other information,and Leadership can query and arrangement the work of subordinates.The practical value of mobile OA system validates the feasibility of constructing an enterprise mobile application using J2ME and Web Services technologies.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance