

SUE Evaluation of Radio Systems in Complicated EM Enviorment
摘要 针对复杂电磁环境下无线电系统的频谱效率评估问题,提出了一种带环境参数的SUE评估方法,用以解决复杂电磁环境及动态频率指配策略带来的电磁空间占用表示问题。给出了移动通信系统的SUE的仿真计算示例,结果表明该方法计算结果与经验吻合,计算过程可操作性强。通过根据具体的系统用途和所处的电磁环境复杂性设定M、Tw、Tc等参数,该方法的应用具有较好的扩展性。 For SUE evaluation of radio sytems in complicated EM enviorment, the paper proposes a novel SUE estimation algorithm with enviorment parameters, which could easily solve the EM space representation problem brought about by the dynamic frequency assignment policies in complicated EM enviorment. The paper gives an example of SUE simulation calculation for the mobile system. The experiment indicates that the result is consistent with experience, the process is convenient. With different settings of parameter M、Tw、Tc for specific applications and EM environment, the proposed algorithm is of fairly good application extensibility.
作者 陈训韬
出处 《通信技术》 2010年第8期79-81,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 频率管理 复杂电磁环境 频谱利用率 frequency management complicated EM enviorment spectrum utilization efficiency
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