
Advances in the hyperlens 被引量:1

Advances in the hyperlens
摘要 As a superlens to overcome the well-known diffraction limit,the hyperlens has received much attention due to its super resolving power and magnifying capabilities.In this article,we review the recent developments,including theoretical and experimental studies on the hyperlens.We also discuss its limitations and potential. As a superlens to overcome the well-known diffraction limit, the hyperlens has received much attention due to its super resolving power and magnifying capabilities. In this article, we review the recent developments, including theoretical and experimental studies on the hyperlens. We also discuss its limitations and potential.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第24期2618-2624,共7页
关键词 双曲 衍射极限 放大功能 分辨能力 镜片 hyperlens, super resolution, microscopy
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