
晚期糖基化终末产物、一氧化氮在糖尿病周围神经病变中的作用 被引量:18

Role of advanced glycation end products and nitric oxide in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy
摘要 目的:研究晚期糖基化终末产物(advanced glycationend products,AGE)、一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)在糖尿病神经病变中的作用。方法:选择69名糖尿病患者,通过是否合并周围神经病变,分为糖尿病无神经病变组39例,糖尿病合并有神经病变组30例,另外设正常对照组30例,分别测血清AGE、NO水平、胆固醇、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白等三组间进行比较。结果:糖尿病患者血清AGE高于正常对照组(P<0.05),糖尿病患者血清NO低于正常对照组(P<0.05)。结论:AGE表达的上调可能与糖尿病神经病变的发生、发展关系密切;NO表达的下调可能与糖尿病神经病变的发生、发展关系密切。 0bjective:To research the role of AGE and NO in diabetic neuropathy.Methods:(1)To measure the plasma levels of AGE and NO in 69 diabetic patients with or without diabetic neuropathy and 30 normal controls.the difference between the three groups was compared.The serum concentration of TG, TC, LDL, HDL-ch, FPG, HbA1c, FIB was determined in the three groups.Results:(1)The plasma level of AGE in diabetic was obviously higher than that of controls (P0.05).The plasma level of NO in diabetic was lower than that of controls (P0.05).Conclusions:The high expression of AGE have intimate relation with the development of diabetic neuropathy.The low expression of NO have intimate relation with the development of diabetic neuropathy.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2010年第14期2684-2686,共3页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 糖尿病 晚期糖基化终末产物 一氧化氮 Diabetic neuropathy advanced glycation end products nitric oxide
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