Having paramount importance in any ESP (English for Special Purpose) classroom, textbooks are known as one of the most visible parts of any ESP teaching program. Enjoying an undeniable position, essentially in the societies where English is used as the second or foreign language, such textbooks should have some features on which the needs and objectives of the ESP teaching program are met. Concerning such an importance, this paper intends to evaluate critically the current status of the Iranian ESP textbooks developed and published by The Organization for Research and Compiling University Textbooks in Humanities (SAMT), as the main governmental organization in studying and compiling ESP university textbooks. Obtaining such an end, it tries: (1) to present the importance of ESP materials development; (2) to provide a clear picture of ESP and ESP materials development in Iran; (3) to introduce the essential drawbacks which such textbooks suffer from; and (4) to present some practical suggestions and solutions to tackle the significant problems and drawbacks of the current ESP textbooks practiced in the Iranian academic setting.