

Clinical analysis of 12 cases of amniotic fluid embolism
摘要 目的分析12例羊水栓塞的诱发因素及临床处理。方法对12例羊水栓塞的诊断、处理、产妇预后进行回顾性分析。结果有10例(83.33%)存在高危因素,3例(25%)于剖宫产术中及术后发生。存活9例,死亡3例,死亡率25%。以呼吸困难、突发呼吸心跳骤停起病的病例,抢救成功率低;以阴道出血为主要表现的迟发性病例,抢救成功率高。结论羊水栓塞抢救成功的关键为早诊断、早治疗,快速建立呼吸通路,多条循环通路,及早行子宫切除术。 Objective:To renew approaches in clinical management of AFE. Methods:Retrospectively review the management and prognosis of 12 cases of AFE diagnosed . Results: 10 example(83.33%) existence high-risk factor, 3 example(25%) happen to intraoperation and postoperation. 9 case survived, 3 case died. The case of illness which have difficulty in breathing and the breath palpitation stop suddenly rescues the success ratio to be low The case that the vagina bleeds, it is high to rescue success rate. Conclusion: Amnlotic fluid embolism rescues the successful key to diagnose for the morning and early treated. Keep airway unobstructed and do uterectomy early.
出处 《中国保健营养(下半月)》 2010年第9期13-15,共3页 China Health Care & Nutrition
关键词 羊水栓塞 诱发因素 子宫切除术 Amnlotic fluid embolism Predisposing factors Uterectomy
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