目的探讨激励偏好对工作满意度和工作投入的作用机制。方法采用问卷调查法对山西省16所公办中学的900名一线教师进行调查。结果 1工作满意度、内激励偏好和外激励偏好对工作投入均具有预测作用(t=21.099,10.226和6.187;P<0.001);2工作满意度部分经由外激励偏好的中介影响工作投入(t=20.098,7.355;P<0.001);3高工作满意度组,不同内激励偏好的人工作投入水平差异不显著(F=1.047,P>0.05);低工作满意度组,不同内激励偏好的人工作投入水平差异显著(F=19.112,P<0.05)。结论外激励偏好对工作满意度和工作投入起部分中介作用,内激励偏好对工作满意度和工作投入具有调节作用。
Objective To explore motivation preferences' impact on the job satisfaction and work engagement.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted,and questionnaires were distributed to 900 teachers of 16 secondary schools in Shanxi Province.Results ①Job satisfaction,intyinsic motivation preferences and extrinsic motivation preference were of great importance for predicating work engagement(t=21.099,10.226,6.187;P0.001).②Job satisfaction influenced work engagement via the mediated effect produced by extrinsic motivation preference(t=20.098,7.355;P0.001).③In groups of high levels of job satisfaction,the levels of work engagement were no significant differences between individuals of different levels of intrinsic motivation preference (F=1.047,P0.05); in groups of low levels of job satisfaction,the levels of work engagement from individuals who had high levels of intrinsic motivation preference were significantly higher than those who had low levels of intrinsic motivation preference (F=19.112,P0.05).Conclusion Extrinsic motivation preference played partly intermediary role between job satisfaction and job engagement,and the intrinsic incentive preferences played regulatory role between job satisfaction and job engagement.
China Journal of Health Psychology
Intrinsic motivation preference
Extrinsic motivation preference
Job satisfaction
Work engagement