目的反映邹城市卫生防疫学术科研水平,探讨卫生防疫体制改革后学术科研管理机制,为发现和培养人才提供客观依据。方法采用文献计量法,对1996-2007年邹城市卫生防疫学术论文进行统计分析。结果 1996-2007年邹城市卫生防疫站共发表国家级学术论文543篇,年均发表45篇,人均发表4.4篇,卫生事业管理、疾病监测、健康教育类论文比较突出;刊载在73种学术期刊,中华预防医学会系列杂志完全占主导地位;大于或等于10篇的有15人,计217篇,占总数的39.96%。学术论文与专业技术人员的年龄成正比,40岁以上年龄组显著高于39岁以下年龄组;与职称成正比;与学历不成正比,中专大于本科,本科大于大专。结论邹城市卫生防疫学术论文在全国同级占领先地位,提示应进一步提高论文的质量,选择学术影响较大的正规期刊,强化专业技术人员学术素质教育,完善学术科研激励和学术论文奖惩机制,建立健全专业技术人员职称晋升聘任良性运行机制,扩大科研成果的影响力度。
Objective To know anti-epidemic academic research level in Zoucheng city after reform of academic research management mechanism,and pro-vides an objective basis for cultivating talents.Methods Using literature metrological methods,anti-epidemic academic thesis in Zoucheng city in 1996-2007 were statistically analyzed analysis.Results From 1996 to 2007,the total of 543 anti-epidemic academic thesis in Zoucheng city were pub-lished in hygiene and anti-epidemic stations or CDC of Zoucheng City on national journals,and that is 45 in a year average and per capita is 4.4.The thesis is centralizing in health business management,disease monitor,health education,in 73 kinds of academic periodical,especially in the series maga-zines of the Chinese Prevention Medical Association.15 people published more than 10 thesis,217 in all,take up 39.96% of the total thesis.It is showed that there is increasing trend with the age of the people.The group of over 40 years published more thesis than the group of under 39 years.It have direct proportion with technical title and indirect proportion with educational background.Conclusion Anti-epidemic academic papers in Zoucheng was dominant comparing with national average level.We should further improve the quality of academic papers,choose the regular periodical with high fac-tor of influence,strengthen professional and technical education for all-around development personnel,improve the quality of academic education academic research and academic papers,establish and perfect the mechanism of reward and punishment for specialized technical personnel titles,expand the mecha-nism of scientific research.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
academic papers