通过对8根采用500 MPa级细晶粒钢筋作为受力纵筋和1根采用HRB400级钢筋作为受力纵筋的混凝土轴心受压构件受力性能的试验,得到了纵向受压构件荷载—应变曲线,分析了混凝土强度、箍筋体积配箍率及纵筋配筋率对混凝土受压峰值应变的影响。研究结果表明,随着混凝土强度、箍筋体积配箍率的提高,混凝土的受压峰值应变也会提高。根据试验结果,为了简化计算,建议500 MPa级细晶粒钢筋的抗压强度设计值fy′=420 MPa。
Based on the experiments of eight axially loaded members with the 500MPa fine grain bars and one with HRB400 bars,the load—strain curve of the axially loaded members are obtainted,the main factors affecting the load—strain curve such as the strength of concrete,the longitudinal steel ratio and the stirrup ratio are discussed.The results show that the compressive strain corresponding to the peak stress of concrete is increasing with the increasing of the concrete strength,the longitudinal steel ratio and the stirrup ratio.Based on the test results,to simplify the calculation of the compressive design value of 500 MPa fine grain steel bars may be taken as the value 420MPa in engineering.
Sichuan Building Science