
单神经元PID在多电机同步控制中的应用 被引量:7

Application of single neuron PID in multi-motor synchronous control
摘要 针对多电机同步控制系统在动载荷扰动情况下各电机之间的传动比会发生变化这一问题,设计了具有自学习和自适应能力的单神经元PID同步控制算法,建立了多电机同步控制系统的单神经元PID控制规则。系统仿真结果表明,运用单神经元自适应PID控制算法能有效实现多电机同步控制,该算法收敛速度较快,鲁棒性较好,具有较强的抗干扰能力。最后,将该控制算法应用于精梳机四轴同步控制系统,其结果表明单神经元自适应PID同步控制算法能大大增强系统的动态性能,有效缓解负载带来的同步误差。在相同扰动情况下,该方法能更好的使多电机以一定速度同步运行。 Aiming at the problem that the speed ratio of the motors is changed when the load was dynamic in the multi-motor synchronous control system,a single neuron PID synchronous control algorithm with the self-leaning and adaptive abilities was designed.Then the single neuron PID synchronous control rules were set in multi-motor synchronous control system.System simulation results indicate that the single neuron adaptive PID control algorithm effectively realizes multi-motor synchronous control with high convergence speed,better robustness and strong anti-jamming ability.Finally,the algorithm was used in Comber four-axis simultaneous control system.The results indicate that the single neuron adaptive PID synchronous algorithm can greatly enhance system dynamic performance,effectively alleviate synchronization error caused by the load.In the same disturb circumstance;the method could make synchronous performance of the motors better in certain speed.
出处 《机电工程》 CAS 2010年第8期14-18,63,共6页 Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑计划("973")重点资助项目(2007BAF24B02-2)
关键词 多电机 同步控制 单神经元PID控制 MATLAB仿真 嵌入式操作系统 multi-motor synchronization control single neuron adaptive PID control Matlab simulation embedded operating system
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