Outside the humerus the epicondylitis is named the tennis elbow,is the Chinese medicine "the wound muscle", "muscle rheumatism" the category,the tennis elbow main symptom has the elbow joint flank ache and the tenderness,the ache may along the forearm to the hand emission, the forearm muscle be anxious, the elbow joint cannot unbend completely, the elbow either the wrist stiff or the activity are limited. Engages in when the following activity ache aggravation: Under the handshake, the revolving doorknob, the palm of the hand face when ascends the thing, to hold back the elbow joint flank. The ache is an endurance, assumes a pain,is sore or the weary pain. The ache may emit the forearm inside. Serious when grasps the strength to drop,twists when the towel the ache much worse,is one of characteristics which should get sick. At present treats to it also is many and varied. The author used the Chinese native medicine to externally apply the treatment in recent years, has received the satisfactory curative effect.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
Outside the humerus the epicondylitis Chinese native medicine externally applies