
动物饲养试验应考虑参试动物间血缘关系 被引量:4

The relationship among animals in the test should be considered in animal feeding experiments
摘要 进行动物科学试验时必须考虑到全部有较大效应的因素,只有那些远远小于处理效应的因素才可以通过"随机化"归入试验误差。对于"大效因素",无论是否随机化,都不能消除它们对试验结果的影响。现代家畜品种内变异常常很大,不同家系间遗传效应的差异常常超过试验因素的效应。所以进行动物试验时,包括动物饲养试验、消化代谢试验、饲养管理试验等,都需要考虑参试个体间的血缘关系。 Conducting an animal experiments,we should consider all main factors which affect the test result. Only the factors with far small effect than the effect of experimental factors may be incorporated into test error by "randomizing". Effect of main factor on the observation results is unable to be eliminated, whether or not it is randomized. There is always the great degree of genetic variability within modern livestock breeds , the difference in genetic effect between different families are often greater than that of experimental factors. So,in animal experiments, such as feeding trial, digestion test , metabolic test, raising management trial, etc., relationship among animals in the test should be considered. Examples of explanatory are given in this paper.
出处 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2010年第15期24-27,共4页 Feed Industry
关键词 饲养试验 血缘关系 线性模型 试验设计 统计分析 feeding experiments relationship linear model experimental design statistical analysis
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