

Peaceful Development Strategy and the Evolution of China's State Security
摘要 在传统安全领域,政治安全和军事安全一直是国家安全的重心所在。冷战结束后,非传统安全问题在全球范围内的凸显及其巨大破坏力,直接冲击了以国家作为主要甚至惟一安全主体的传统安全理论,使长期以军事安全为核心的现实主义的国家安全观扩展成包括经济安全、环境安全、文化安全、科技安全、信息安全、人类安全等在内的综合安全观。中国倡导树立以互信、互利、平等、协作为核心的新安全观,开创了建立在相互信任、不结盟和不针对第三国的基础上,通过加强合作协商来实现相互安全的新安全模式。而以新安全观为指导的中国和平发展道路的精髓是既通过争取和平的国际环境来发展自己,又以自身的发展来促进世界和平,不断为世界的和平与发展增添积极因素。 In the field of traditional security,political security and military security are the main emphasis of the national security.After the Cold War,the rise of non-traditional security issues starts to have a direct impact on the traditional security theory which takes the country as the main,or the unique security subject,and the realist national security concept that military security is crucial has also been challenged.A new"comprehensive security"theory which is composed of economy,environment,culture,technology,information and human security gradually comes into being.China advocates the new security outlook whose core issues are mutual trust,mutual benefit,equality,cooperation,and establishes the new security model by consultative dialogues on basis of mutual trust,nonalignment,and non-aggression to a third country to guarantee and realize the national security.The essence of China’s peaceful development road guided by the new security outlook is that China will strive for peaceful international environment to develop,and promote the world’s development by her own development.
作者 陈小沁
出处 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第4期67-70,共4页 Journal of Langfang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 国家安全 传统安全观 新安全观 和平发展 共同安全 national security traditional security view the new security outlook peaceful development common security
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