
广东省佛山市南海区健康村村民健康知识与行为调查 被引量:9

Survey on health knowledge and behavior among the residents in a health village of Nanhai district in Foshan City
摘要 目的了解佛山市南海区健康村村民的健康知识、健康行为及对健康村建设的满意度和相关影响因素,探讨发展方向。方法采取方便抽样方法,在南海区抽取2个自然村,自行设计调查问卷进行入户调查。结果村民一般健康知识知晓率为70.5%,健康行为正确率为61.1%,生殖健康知识知晓率为58.0%,对健康村建设工作总体满意度为82.4%,对满意度影响最大的是健康村概念理解和宣传教育。结论村民健康知识和行为水平较低,应加强相关知识的健康教育。同时应对影响满意度的问题进行教育,使村民能正确了解相关知识。 Objective To understand health knowledge,health behavior and the satisfaction of building health village and its influencing factors among residents since healthy village development was implemented in Nanhai district,and to discuss the future directions. Methods Two villages were selected with convienience sampling method to complete the door-tos-door survey. Results Villagers' general health knowledge awareness rate was 70.5%,and the correct rate of health behavior was 61.1% and the awareness rate ofreproductive health knowledge was 58.0%.The overall satisfaction of construction work on healthy village was 82.4%.Satisfaction was greatly associated with understanding of health village concept and dissemination and education.Conclusion The level of health knowledge and behavior of the villagers was low.the health related knowledge should be strengthened.The influencing factors of satisfaction might serve as targest for further education,in order to make the villagers to correctly understand the relevant knowledge.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2010年第8期604-606,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 健康村 健康知识与行为 发展 Healthy villagess Health knowledge and behavior Development
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