
北京市宣武区1999—2008年细菌性痢疾流行特征 被引量:2

Epidemiological Characteristics of Bacillary Dysentery in Xuanwu District of Beijing City during 1999—2008
摘要 目的探讨北京市宣武区细菌性痢疾发病规律、流行特征,为制定预策略和措施、控制细菌性痢疾流行提供科学依据。方法应用描述流行病学方法对宣武区1999—2008年细菌性痢疾疫情报告资料进行流行病学分析。结果宣武区1999—2008年细菌性痢疾病发病率在110.05/10万~304.80/10万之间波动,平均发病率212.20/10万,发病水平呈现出先下降后上升的趋势。2003年前呈明显下降趋势,2003—2006年逐渐上升,2007年出现小高峰,2008年再次呈现下降趋势。发病以5—10月份为主,历年的8月份为发病高峰。各街道每年均有病例发生,平均年发病率波动在54.1/10万~325.3/10万之间。0~4岁年龄组婴幼儿发病率最高,其次为20~24岁年龄组,发病率分别为562.37/10万和466.95/10万;在各种职业中,学生和干部职员发病最多,其报告病例分别占总病例数的22.9%和18.0%。结论宣武区细菌痢疾防控工作将以0~4岁年龄组婴幼儿、学生和干部职员为防制重点,在夏秋季发病高峰到来前,采取综合的预防控制措施,降低发病率,减轻细菌性痢疾给人群带来的疾病负担。 [Objective]To explore the epidemiological characteristics of bacillary dysentery in Xuanwu District,and provide scientific basis for developing effective strategy for bacillary dysentery control.[Methods]Descriptive epidemiological method was adopted to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of bacillary dysentery in Xuanwu district from 1999 to 2008.[Results]The incidence of bacillary dysentery had been fluctuated from 110.05/100 000 to 304.80/100 000 during 1999 to 2008 with average incidence rate of 212.20/100 000.The incidence showed the tendency of significant decreasing before 2003,then gradual increasing between 2003-2006,appearing small peak in 2007,and decreasing again in 2008.Bacillary dysentery mainly occurred during May to October with a peak in August annually.Cases emerged in each sub-district annually.The incidence fluctuated from 54.1/100 000~325.3/100 000.Incidence was highest in students and office staff,occupying 22.9% and 18.0% of total cases respectively.[Conclusion]The key population for prevention and control of bacillary dysentery are children aged 0~4 years,students and office staff.It is necessary to adopt comprehensive control measures to decrease morbidity and reduce the disease burden of bacillary dysentery.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2010年第17期1971-1973,共3页 Occupation and Health
关键词 细菌性痢疾 发病率 流行特征 Bacillary dysentery Incidence Epidemiological characteristics
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