
碘染色诊断食管粘膜病变的临床研究 被引量:3

Clinical study on pathological changes of the esophagued mucosa by iodine dyeing diagnosis
摘要 利用2%复方碘溶液(卢戈氏液)对120例行胃镜检查的患者进行了食管粘膜碘染色。其中100例为肉眼观察可疑粘膜病变者,20例为食管癌术前病例。在100例可疑粘膜病变中,对碘呈不规则染色者82例。经病理检查:早癌2例(经手术证实),不同程度的不典型增生20例,不同程度炎症53例,7例经病理检查未发现显著病变,病变检出率为91%(75/82)。对20例食管癌患者术前胃镜下碘染对病变范围进行墨汁标记,术后残端癌发生率为0。 120 patients been received the routine gastroscope examinations, were examined bythe iodine dyeing on their esophagus mucosa with 2% compound iodine solution. 100 cases ofthose patients were suspectably to have abnormal mucosa pathological changes. Through nakedeye inspection, 20 of those were diagnosed as esophageal cancer, preoperatively. Among the 100cases mentioned above, 82 cases of them were found to have irregularly iodine dyed esophagealmucosa, the following results obtained through the pathological examinations revealed: 2 casessuffered from with early stage of cancers in the initial stage (confirmed by operations): 20 caseswith atypical dysplasia in different stages; 53 cases suffered from inflammation in differentdegrees; no obvious pathological changes 7 cases. The rate of the pathological changes found is91% (75/82). For the 20 patients suffered from esophageal cancers were iodine dyed under thegastroscopy with the ink marks before operations. No cancer was found post-operativelly.
出处 《北京医学》 CAS 北大核心 1999年第2期98-100,共3页 Beijing Medical Journal
关键词 胃镜 食管粘膜病变 诊断 碘染色 食管肿瘤 Gastroscope ,Compound iodine solution,Esophagus
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