120 patients been received the routine gastroscope examinations, were examined bythe iodine dyeing on their esophagus mucosa with 2% compound iodine solution. 100 cases ofthose patients were suspectably to have abnormal mucosa pathological changes. Through nakedeye inspection, 20 of those were diagnosed as esophageal cancer, preoperatively. Among the 100cases mentioned above, 82 cases of them were found to have irregularly iodine dyed esophagealmucosa, the following results obtained through the pathological examinations revealed: 2 casessuffered from with early stage of cancers in the initial stage (confirmed by operations): 20 caseswith atypical dysplasia in different stages; 53 cases suffered from inflammation in differentdegrees; no obvious pathological changes 7 cases. The rate of the pathological changes found is91% (75/82). For the 20 patients suffered from esophageal cancers were iodine dyed under thegastroscopy with the ink marks before operations. No cancer was found post-operativelly.
Beijing Medical Journal