在使用Pro/E软件进行工程设计过程中,经常要选择一些要素进行编辑、设计,而选取的方法有很多种,正确快速地选取不仅能加快设计速度,而且能避免一些错误的产生。文中针对Pro/E 4.0软件中比较适用的要素选取方法、选择技巧,结合多年的设计经验进行了探讨。
In the course of engineering design by using Pro/Engineering software, some elements need to be selected for editing and design, although there are many selecting methods, the right selection not only can speed up the design speed, but also can avoid some errors. This paper discusses the suitable selection methods and techniques based on PRO/E4.0 and the related design experience.
Mechanical Engineer