
地方财政支持科普服务的区域差异及其原因的多尺度——基于30个省市数据的面板分析 被引量:3

Regional Differences in Local Public Fiscal Support for Publicizing Science and the Diversity of the Reasons——an analyze based on 30 provinces and municipalities’ panel data
摘要 均等化是科普服务的应有之义,也是政府职责所在和实现社会公平的要求。本文采用泰尔指数对我国财政性科普教育经费的区域差异进行分解和描述,揭示了区域间科普教育经费的差异性。为了解释这种差异性,本文利用30个省市的数据进行面板分析,发现财政能力、地方政府财政自主度、城镇化水平是影响区域差异的重要原因。基于这些原因的挖掘,本文对实现科普教育均等化的路径进行了重新思考,认为改善落后地区的经济发展和自身财政状况,提高城镇化水平,完善现有的财政分权体制,是实现科普教育均等化的根本途径。 Equalization is the principal fundament of Publicizing Science, and also is the basic requirements of government responsibility and achieving social equity?. In this article, firstly, regional difference of local public fiscal support for publicizing science has been decomposed and described by using Theil Index. In order to explain the difference, we usepanel data for 30 provinces and municipalities to estimate effect of a variety factors on per capital per capita fiscal expenditure on Publicizing Science. We find that financial capacity, local government financial autonomy degree, and level of urbanization are important reasons for regional difference. Based on this analysis, we rethink the policy of equalizing the service of Publicizing Science. We believe that the improvement of the economic development of backward areas and their own financial situation, improve the level of urbanization, improve the existing system of fiscal decentralization is the fundamental way to achieve the goal of equalizing the service of Publicizing Science.
作者 刘炯
机构地区 浙江财经学院
出处 《未来与发展》 2010年第8期65-69,共5页 Future and Development
关键词 科普教育 地区差异 地方财政 均等化 the service of publicizing science regional differences local fiscal equalization
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