
微颗粒影响空蚀破坏的实验研究 被引量:3

Experimental Study of Cavitation Erosion Damage Affected by Microparticles
摘要 在旋转圆盘空蚀实验装置上研究6种不同粒径和形状SiC和SiO2微颗粒对材料空蚀破坏的影响。利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观测实验后试样表面,对比分析实验后空蚀坑数目和坑径分布特征,发现加入同样质量分数微颗粒时,微颗粒粒径越大造成的试样空蚀坑数目越少,加入不同形状的微颗粒时对应试样的空蚀坑坑径分布规律不同,表明微颗粒粒径和形状可能对试样的空蚀破坏有着不同的影响。 The influence of rotating disk cavitation erosion experiment by adding 6 types of SiC and SiO2 microparticles with different sizes and shapes were analyzed.The surfaces of samples were analyzed by scanning electron microscope(SEM) after experiments.The amount of cavitation erosion pits and the cavitation erosion pits diameter distribution on sample surfaces were studied.The results indicate that,with same mass fraction,when adding larger size microparticles,fewer cavitation erosion pits appear on the surfaces of samples. Cavitation erosion pits diameter distribution pattern is not the same if shapes of microparticles are different.The results demonstrate that,during rotating disk cavitation erosion experiment,sizes and shapes of microparticles may play different roles in the severity of cavitation erosion damage on sample surfaces.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期15-18,22,共5页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2007CB707702) 国家自然科学基金项目(50721004)
关键词 旋转圆盘空蚀实验 SiC微颗粒 SiO2微颗粒 rotating disk cavitation erosion experiment SiC microparticles SiO2 microparticles
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