After the end of the Cold War,overseas deployments of troops by Japan are carried out within three frameworks of the United Nations,the Japan-U.S.alliance system and fulfillment of diversified missions.Among them,overseas troop deployments under the U.N framework are tasked with U.N peace-keeping operations,mainly in the form of logistics support and maintenance and those operations are decreasing now due to policy constraints.Japan-U.S.alliance system and troop deployments overseas are mutually complementary and interact with each other.The alliance strategy not only shows off overseas military presence of Japan Self-Defense Forces,but also helps improve their combat abilities overseas.Meanwhile,implementation of diversified tasks has given them more ways and means for overseas deployments.In addition,overseas troop deployments by Japan are providing favorable conditions in strengthening its defense buildup and accelerating the process of making Japan a big military power.In the future,Japan's overseas troop deployments will further display a tendency towards wide diversity in forms and styles.
Peace and Development