摘要随着商业银行产品的不断丰富、金融市场的日益成熟和我国利率市场化改革的逐步深入,银行账户利率风险(Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book)逐步显现,已成为影响我国商业银行稳健经营的实质性风险。为提升商业银行银行账户利率风险管理意识和水平,规范管理行为,2009年11月,银监会发布了《商业银行银行账户利率风险管理指引》(以下简称《指引》)。
2BCBS24. Amendment to the Capital Accord 1 to IncorporateMarket Risks[Z]. Basle Committee on Banking Supervision,1996.
3BCBS112. Trading Book Survey: A Summary of Responses[Z]. Basle Committee on Banking Supervision,2005.
4BCBS118.International Convergence of Capital Measurementand Capital Standards ( A Revised Framework Comprehen-sive Version ) [ Z ] . Basle Committee on Banking Supervi-sion, 2006.
5BCBS159.Guidelines for Computing Capital for IncrementalRisk in the Trading Book[ Z]. Basle Committee on BankingSupervision ,2009.
6BCBS208. Interpretive Issues with Respect to the Revisionsto the Market Risk Framework [ Z ] . Basle Committee onBanking Supervision, 2011.
7BCBS219. Fundamental Review of the Trading Book [Z].Basle Committee on Banking Supervision ,2012.
8BischofJ,Daske H,Gebhardt G. Fair Value Accounting andthe Business Model of Banks [ R ] . Working Paper,Mann-heim University, Mannheim University, Goethe UniversityFrankfurt, 2011.
9Fiechter P. Reclassification of Financial Assets Under IAS39 : Impact on European Banks ’ Financial Statements [ J ].Accounting in Europe,2011 ,(8) ;49 - 67.
10HodderL,M Kohlbeck,M L Me Anally. Accounting Choicesand Risk Management: SFAS No. 115 and U.S. BankHolding Companies [ J ] . Contemporary Accounting Re-search ,2002, (19) :225 -270.