针对目前智能脱扣器中采集数据需要高效、高保真、低时延压缩传输的现状,采用FAST(FIX Adapted for Streaming)协议处理数据,该协议利用数据内容与结构描述分离的方法,用发送和接受双方都理解的模板描述数据结构,对数据内容进行字节编码以及二进制序列化压缩。描述了用C++语言实现FAST算法的方法,试验结果表明FAST协议能够有效解决传输数据的大量重复,在工业高速海量实时数据的应用中具有巨大的优越性。
To obtain high efficiency,high-fidelity,and low-latency transmission compression issue of mass data in intelligent release,FAST (FIX Adapted for Streaming) protocol is proposed.The FAST protocol describes the use of the separation of data content and structure description,field compression and binary serialization is adopted for data content and FAST template for data structure description which is comprehended for both sender and receiver.The algorithm of FAST is described,so with the FAST protocol the duplication of data in collection systems is solved,which has shown it has great advantages in industrial high-speed mass applications under real-time data.
Industrial Control Computer