

Effects of hot-rolling on electrooxidation of Mg-Li-Al-Ce alloy anodes
摘要 应用真空熔炼法制备了三种Mg-Li-Al-Ce合金,用计时电流法和失重法研究了铸态合金电极和热轧合金电极在NaCl溶液中的电化学特性,用SEM观察了合金电极放电表面形貌。结果表明:经过热轧的合金电极比铸态合金电极有较负的开路电位和更大的放电电流及更高的放电效率。随合金中Li含量的增加,电极的放电电流增加但利用率下降。放电或自腐蚀溶解反应优先发生在晶界处。 Three Mg-Li-Al-Ce electrodes were prepared using a vacuum induction melting method.The electrochemical behavior of the as-cast and hot-rolled alloys in NaCl solution was investigated by means of chronoamperometry and mass-loss measurements.The morphology of the electrodes after discharge was examined using scanning electron microscopy.The results show that the hot-rolled alloy electrodes show more negative open circuit potential,higher discharge current density and higher utilization efficiency than the as-cast alloy electrodes.With the increase of Li content,the discharge current density increases,but the utilization efficiency decreases.The electrooxidation or self-discharge occurs preferentially in the grain boundary region.
出处 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期779-781,共3页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
基金 国家大学生创新实验计划基金(081021704)
关键词 Mg-Li-Al-Ce合金 阳极 电化学氧化 金属半燃料电池 Mg-Li-Al-Ce alloys anode material electrochemical oxidation metal semi fuel cell
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