
浅析13世纪西欧提出的“主权论” 被引量:1

On the Idea of Sovereignty in 13th Century Western Europe
摘要 "君权神授"的神学政治理论是西欧中世纪王权的理论依据。13世纪的西欧经历了广泛的拓荒运动,促进了贸易的复苏和发展,从而使其经济结构和社会结构逐渐发生了演变,以此为基础的封建王权的性质和权能也随之发生了变化,有了改变以习惯法为主体的法律体系的要求。经院哲学在阐述理性的同时对传统的自然法思想进行了新的诠释,法学家们在用经院哲学的方法对罗马法进行研究的同时为自然法注入了新的法理元素,在此基础上提出了"主权论",由此取代了"君权神授"的神学政治理论。世俗的政治理论"主权论"为刚刚起步的议会制度提供了政治理论,为其继续发展扫清了理论障碍。 In the medieval Western Europe,the Crown power was justified by the theological and political thesis:Divine Rights of Prince,which means the rights of prince are ordained divinely.In the 13th century,Western Europe witnessed a massive movement of reclamation which promoted the revival and development of trade,and the socio-economic structure changed gradually.So the feudal crown power,which was based on that old structure,also experienced some changes in its nature and attributions,and the appeal to alter the legal system,whose core was customary laws,was brought up.The scholasticism,when it elaborated the reason,also expounded new views on the tradition of naturl law;and the jurists,when they studied Roman laws by scholastic method,infused new nomological elements into the idea of natural law.With these conditions,the jurists proposed the idea of Sovereignty to substitute the theocratic idea Divine Rights of Prince.The secular theory of Sovereignty prepared grounds for the newly-starting parliament system and cleaned path for its ulterior development.
作者 王亚平
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期83-92,共10页 World History
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究2009年度一般项目"西欧社会转型时期社会结构演变研究"的阶段性成果 项目批准号:09YJA770048
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