
上海人力资本投资状况研究——以上海地方政府教育投资为例 被引量:3

Research on the Situation of Shanghai's Human Capital Investment:In view of the Educational Investment of Shanghai
摘要 本文将建国60年来上海人力资本投资的发展历程划分为四个阶段。在此基础上,以政府教育投资为例,考察各阶段上海人力资本教育投资在投资理念、投资行为与投资结果等方面的不同状况及主要特征;分析上海传统发展模式下,总体经济投资重物质资本而轻人力资本、人力资本投资重要素功能而轻效率功能的两大失衡态势,引发了现阶段上海教育投资相对不足、投资结构失衡等问题,并在一定程度上制约上海经济社会的第二次转型。针对上述问题,本文拟构建政府层面的对策性机制:以确立人力资本优先积累的总体发展思路为先导,以完善人力资本投资为抓手实现人力资本优先积累,注重引导转型期社会超前性人力资本投资,并通过法律和政策调节社会其他主体的教育投资行为。 The 60 years'development process of Shanghai's human capital investment since China founding, is ordinal divided into four periods in this paper. In view of the educational investment of the government, the paper would respectively investigate the distinctive situation and main features of Shanghai's human capital investment in each period, on the aspects of investment intention, movement and effect etc. Also would analyze two unbalancing features in Shanghai's traditional development mode, one is regarding physical capital as superior to human capital on the gross economic investment; the other is valuing human capital'sfactor function rather than its efficiency function on educational investment, which cause the insufficient educational investment and unreasonable investment structure in the current stage, furthermore restrict Shanghai's second time economic restructuring on a certain extent. Finally, in allusion to the above issues, the paper would try to construct relevant governmental tackling mechanism which is guided by the general idea of preferential accumulation of human capital, taking the optimization of human capital investment as means, laying emphasis on leading the advancing social investment in the restructuring period, and regulating social investment behaviors through laws and policies.
作者 黄维德 汤磊
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期105-112,共8页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题"实践科学发展观:上海人力资本社会性贬值预防机制研究"(2009BKS002)的阶段性成果
关键词 人力资本 人力资本投资 政府教育投资 human capital human capital investment the governmental investment in education
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