
上海光源真空内波荡器积分场垫补中模拟退火算法的应用 被引量:2

Using the simulated annealing algorithm to correct integrated multipoles on the in-vacuum undulator in SSRF
摘要 上海光源真空内波荡器(IVU-25)系我国第一台真空内波荡器,由我所设计和研制。该波荡器采用混合型磁体结构,共80个磁周期,周期长度25mm,最小工作磁间隙7mm,最大峰值磁场强度0.94T。波荡器磁块的剩磁离散性及安装机械公差等因素会引起积分场误差从而影响储存环工作状态。在波荡器积分场多极分量垫补过程中,我们用模拟退火算法优化一次积分场分布来垫补多极分量,结果表明积分场多极分量均达到设计指标。 The in-vacuum undulator (IVU-25) with hybrid magnet structure in SSRF (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility) is the first one developed in China. Major parameters of IVU-25 are: minimum operation gap, 7 mm; peak field, 0.94 T; period length, 25 mm; period number, 80, and total length, 2 m. The field integral errors, caused by unavoidable remanence divergence of the magnets, position errors of magnets and poles, etc.,would badly affect the beam orbit in the storage ring, hence the need of corrections of the integrated multipoles using the magic fingers technique. In this paper, we present the integrated multipoles correction methods by reducing the normal and skew first field integral errors based on the simulated-annealing algorithm. The results show that the final values of the integrated multipoles are all better than the required ones.
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期561-565,共5页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 真空内波荡器 积分场多极分量 模拟退火算法 一次积分误差 In-vacuum undulator, Integrated multipoles, Simulated-annealing algorithm, First field integral errors
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