通过3个玉米品种富农1号、金凯2号和沈单16号的种植密度对成熟期各器官干物质积累的影响研究,结果表明:不同种植密度下各品种成熟期各器官的干物质积累量差异较大,但均以籽粒干物质的积累量最多,雄穗最少;不同品种在种植密度为45 000株/hm2时均可得到最大干物质积累量,同一种植密度下3个品种的籽粒干物质积累量差异明显,种植密度和品种本身都影响到干物质的分配。
The planting density on dry matter accumulation at mature period of "Fulong 1","Jinkai 2" and "Shendan 16" were investigated.The results showed that the dry matter accumulation were difference between apparatus of three variety at different planting density.Furthermore,the seed was biggest and the male spike was least,which showed in mature period the dry matter mainly distributed to seeds.In same planting density,the dry matter of same apparatus were difference between variety,which showed the distributing ratio of dry matter was effected by the variety.The distributing ratio of dry matter was same between whole plant and seeds;furthermore,they decreased with the planting density increase,which showed the planting density also effected the dry matter accumulation of whole plant.
Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology