
口服磷酸钠盐与聚乙二醇的清肠效果自身对照研究 被引量:12

Study on intestinal preparation with sodium phosphate and polyethylene glycol
摘要 目的比较口服磷酸钠盐溶液与聚乙二醇电解质散在肠镜的常规检查(一次肠镜)和肠镜下息肉电凝电切手术(二次肠镜)在肠道准备中的清肠效果、耐受性及安全性。方法对198例肠镜检查发现良性息肉,二周后需要第二次通过肠镜下电凝电切手术的患者,自身交叉对照观察两种清肠液的肠道准备效果。我们将患者在第一次肠镜时口服磷酸钠盐溶液,第二次肠镜口服聚乙二醇电解质散。由内镜医师记分判断肠道清洁程度,通过问卷调查记录患者药物服用量、口感及不良反应发生情况,观察使用药物的有效性、耐受性及安全性。结果聚乙二醇组患者肠道清洁度优于磷酸钠盐组(P<0.05),聚乙二醇组肠道气泡少于磷酸钠盐组。两组患者总体不适程度、不良反应发生率聚乙二醇组少于磷酸钠盐组(P<0.05)差异均有统计学意义,药物口感及愿意再服率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论对于肠镜下良性肿块进行电凝电切手术的患者作肠道清洁准备时,与磷酸钠盐口服溶液相比,聚乙二醇电解质散是更为安全、有效的肠道清洁剂。 Objective To compare the efficacy,tolerance and safety of oral sodium phosphate before enteroscopy.Methods 198 patients were enrolled in the present study.The quality of colon preparation was evaluated by the endoscopist.The tolerance and safety of cleansers were assessed through questionnaires.Results Compared with sodium phosphate,polyethylene glycol had good quality of colon preparation,less intestinal bubble.It shows differences in the scores and the frequencies of side effects between two regimens(P〈0.05).There is no significant difference in the taste and the willing rates of repeating the assigned preparation between two regimens.Conclusion Polyethylene glycol is just as effective and safe as sodium phosphate and provides better quality of preparation of the bowel for colonoscopy.
出处 《西部医学》 2010年第8期1475-1477,共3页 Medical Journal of West China
关键词 肠镜检查 肠道准备 聚乙二醇电解质散 磷酸钠盐口服溶液 Enteroscopy Bowel preparation Polyethylene glycol Sodium phosphate
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