

Correlation analysis of the relationship among part of university mathematical subjects based on SEM
摘要 对大学部分数学课程设置规划的有关问题,提出了基于模型构建、模型拟合、模型评价、模型修正的课程设置问题解决思路;建立了某高校理学院288名同学8门课程成绩的Pearson矩阵,计算出课程间的相关系数,得到初步关系;利用从课程间的不同组合中选取的几个代表性方案,确定了各自的不同计算路径,借助LISREL软件进行数据处理,找出了另一个再生矩阵;通过与模型及相关系数矩阵的综合比较,以及对不理想的模型进行修饰,得到客观科学的规划分组. This paper proposed the solution to the problem of subject arranging for the part of university mathematics by model building, fitting, evaluation and model modification, and established the Pearson matrix of correlation coefficient with 288 students'marks of 8 different subjects in a science college, then acquired the preliminary relationships based on the calculation of relative coefficient among different subjects. After that, the paper selected a few representative programs from different subject combinations, and attempted different calculation paths, then carried on data processing with LISREL software, and found another regeneration matrix. Finally, the objective and scientific planning groups is found by comprehensive comparison of model, the correlation coefficient matrix and the modification of unfavorable model.
作者 彭真 林龙
出处 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第3期430-434,共5页 Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science)
关键词 结构方程模型 实证分析 拟合数据 structural equation model positive analysis fitting data
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