
单频干扰下卫星导航信号的码跟踪性能评估 被引量:5

Tracking performance evaluation of GNSS signals in CW interference
摘要 基于伪码为离散频谱推导了单频干扰下码跟踪误差的解析式,提出将鉴别器曲线的最大偏移量作为码跟踪性能的评价标准,对不同卫星导航信号的码跟踪误差进行仿真.仿真结果表明:GPSL1信号的部分卫星更易受到单频干扰的影响;采用BOC(1,1)赋形和MBOC(6,1,1/11)赋形的卫星导航信号受单频干扰的影响大于采用矩形赋形的;采用窄相关技术可以减小单频干扰对信号码跟踪性能的影响. The analytic expression of code tracking errors in continuous wave (CW) interference was derived. It is suggest that the maximum offset of the zero-crossing of discriminator curve can be used to evaluate the anti CW interference performance of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals. The tracking performance of different navigation signals in CW interference was simulated. The results show that parts of the GPS (global positioning system) L1 signals are more vulnerable to the CW interference than others; the code tracking performance of BOC(1,1) (binary offset carrier) and MBOC(6,1,1/11 ) (multiplex BOC) modulated navigation signals is better than that of BPSK (1) modulated signal in CW interference; and the effect of CW interference on code tracking performance can be reduced by narrowing the correlator spacing.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期5-8,共4页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 卫星导航系统 锁相环 高斯分布 单频干扰 跟踪误差 global positioning system phase locked loops Gaussian distribution continuous wave interference code tracking error
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