
中国省级电信业技术效率:区域差异及影响因素 被引量:22

Technical Efficiency of Provincial Telecom:Regional Difference and Affecting Factors
摘要 本文采用DEA方法,对2003—2008年中国各省(市、自治区)电信业技术效率进行了度量,并建立计量经济模型估计了电信业技术效率的影响因素。结果表明:电信业技术效率表现出较大的区域差异,东部地区的电信业技术效率超过了中西部地区。对电信业技术效率影响因素的回归分析结果显示:在多个模型中,价格上限规制政策对于技术效率有显著的负向影响。可能的原因是,一方面,电信运营商在逐渐强化的市场竞争中过于注重规模扩张,导致了价格战;另一方面,可能是电信市场结构出现了新的失衡。因而,中国电信业要加强管理和提高服务水平,不能只盲目重视规模扩张;同时,政府要加强电信业的普遍服务规制。 Data envelopment analysis(DEA) approach was applied in this paper to measure telecommunications technical efficiencies at China’s provincial-level.Efficiency influence factors were evaluated through our econometric models.The results indicate that telecommunications technical efficiencies present significant regional differences: the efficiencies of the provinces in the eastern region surpass those in the central and western regions.The regression analysis on efficiency influence factors reveal that price ceiling regulatory policy has obvious negative effect on technical efficiency,which probably due to operators overemphasized scale expansion(sometimes even triggered price war) in fierce competitive market,and also probably result in new off-balance in the market structures.Therefore,improving management and service quality,avoiding blind expansion,and enforcing general service regulation should be implemented by telecommunications and government.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期129-139,共11页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于网络外部性的信息产业标准化政策与反垄断政策研究"(批准号70873091) 西安交通大学"211"三期项目"以战略产业为导向的产业经济学国家重点学科建设"
关键词 电信 技术效率 数据包络分析 区域差异 影响因素 telecommunications technical efficiency data envelopment analysis(DEA) regional differences influence factors
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