
重铬酸钾对雏鸡的毒性试验 被引量:2

Toxicity Test of Potassium Dichromate to Chicken
摘要 为探讨鸡球虫疫苗保存液重铬酸钾对雏鸡的安全性,采用灌胃途径,分别进行急性毒性试验和低剂量毒性试验,观察攻毒雏鸡的临床症状、剖检病变和病理组织学变化,判断重铬酸钾对雏鸡的损害程度。结果表明,重铬酸钾对雏鸡的半数致死量(LD50)为0.501g/kg体重,是临床推荐用量(约3.125mg/kg体重)的160倍以上;0.464g/kg体重以上的重铬酸钾对雏鸡的心脏、肝脏、肺脏、腺胃和肾脏均有不同程度的损伤;常规免疫用量的5、20倍时对雏鸡无害。 To explore the safety of Potassium dichromate used as the solution for coccidiosis vaccine preservation, the acute toxicity test and toxicity test with low dosage in chicken were conducted by oral administration. The clinical symptoms, gross lesion and histopathologic changes were observed. The results showed that LD50 of potassium dichromate was 0.501 g/kg body weight, which was more than 160 times that the recommended amounts for clinical use (about 3.125 mg/kg body weight). Heart, liver, lung, proventriculus and kidney of chicken were damaged in varying degree with the dosage of more than 0.464 g/kg body weight. 5 or 20 times of the dosage in routine immunization had no harm to chicken.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第8期172-174,共3页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 山西省财政支持农业科技成果转化项目(2006) 山西省科技攻关项目(993020-1 2006031059)
关键词 雏鸡 重铬酸钾 毒性试验 chicken potassium dichromate toxicity test
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