
骆驼斯氏副柔线虫病传播媒介的筛选与确定 被引量:2

Selection and determination of the vector of parabronemosis
摘要 对从内蒙古骆驼生活环境中采集到的24种蝇进行普通生物学剖检,并进一步用斯氏副柔线虫特异性引物ST1、ST2对蝇体内检获的幼虫进行分子生物学鉴定,以筛选与确定骆驼斯氏副柔线虫病的传播媒介。结果显示,在西方角蝇和截脉角蝇体内均发现了疑似斯氏副柔线虫幼虫,感染强度为1~22条/个,雌蝇与雄蝇感染强度差异不显著;幼虫长度为1.033~1.934mm;雄蝇的感染率为43.8%~48.0%,雌蝇的感染率为35.7%~46.2%。扩增得到的部分ITS序列(包括5.8S)与GenBank中登录的斯氏副柔线虫ITS序列同源性高达99.3%。基本确定了西方角蝇和截脉角蝇为斯氏副柔线虫病的传播媒介。 To select and determine the vector of parabronemosis, 24 flies species were sampled from camels living surrounding in Inner Mongolia and some of them were examined for the nematode larvae. The larvae found in the flies were identified by molecular biology method using the specific primers for Para-bronema skrjabini (ST1,ST2). The nematode larvae were obtained by dissecting the Haematobia irritans and Haematobia titillans. The infection intensity was from 1 to 22 for each fly and similar between the male flies and the female ones. The length of larvae was 1. 033 mm to 1. 934 mm. The infection rate was from 43.8% to 48.0% in male flies and from 35.7% to 46.2% in female flies. Partial ITS sequence contai-ning 5.8 S rDNA of the larvae could be amplified by the primers ST1 and ST2. It shared 99.3% homology with the ITS gene of P. skrjabini. It was concluded that H. irritans and H. titillans are the vector of para-bronemosis.
出处 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期7-10,共4页 Chinese Veterinary Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30660142) 内蒙古自然科学基金重大项目(200607010401)
关键词 骆驼 斯氏副柔线虫 角蝇 ITS序列 传播媒介 camel Parabronema skrjabini Haematobia ITS sequence vector
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