
南极阿德雷企鹅繁殖季节生态行为及其声信号 被引量:2

Ecological Behavior and Sound Signals of Pygoscelis adeliae in Breading Seson,Antarctic
摘要 阿德雷企鹅是南极企鹅的优势种。每年10月至翌年3月是南极的夏季,也是南极企鹅等生物的繁殖季节。期间,阿德雷企鹅与其他企鹅先后离开越冬区开始了繁殖回游。它们经历数百公里的回游来到南极大陆后便开始了紧张的一系列种群繁衍活动。直到翌年3月,南极大陆严酷的冬季到来之时,它们又携带繁衍后的种群与其他企鹅离开巢地开始了越冬回游。笔者对阿德雷企鹅在繁殖期间的生态习性进行了调查研究,尤其对企鹅的生态行为(包括恋爱、择偶、交配、产蛋、孵蛋、抚育雏鹅、幼鹅托儿所等)以及伴随生态行为同时发出的声信号进行了反复多次的确认与录音,获得了大量丰富的生态学资料。 Pygoscelis adeliae is a dominant species of penguins in Antarctic. In the paper, the acoustic behavior and sound signals of the Pygoscelis adeliae are studied. The pulse width of the juvenile penguin is 2.2- 14.2 ms and mainly concentrates on 2-5 ms. The pulse interval is 0.2-1. 1 ms and mainly concentrates on 0.7 ms. The pulse frequency is 629-4 294 Hz; and mainly concentrates on 3-4 kHz. When the juvenile penguin looks food, the pulse width is 24.9-40.8 ms; the pulse interval is 0.2-35.9 ms; the pulse frequency is 262-4 636 Hz; and the spectrum energy in this frequency concentrates on 3-3.5 kHz. When they come back nest, the penguin sound call signals, the pulse width mainly concentrates on 5 9 ms;the pulse interval is changeable from 1.9 ms to 36 ms; the pulse frequcency is 253-4 758 Hz, and mainly concentrates on 1 kHz. When two penguins live together, they sound call signals that is mixed. The pulse frequency is 741 -2 342 Hz, the spectrum energy in this frequency concentrates on 1-2 kHz. When two penguins live together, they sound signals and dance each other at the same time.
作者 范振刚
出处 《自然杂志》 北大核心 2010年第4期224-228,212,共6页 Chinese Journal of Nature
关键词 阿德雷企鹅 生态行为 声信号 Pygoscelis adeliae, ecological behavior, sound signal
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