
热镦粗过程的微观组织模拟研究 被引量:2

Research on microstructure evolvement simulation during hot-upsetting
摘要 在对有限元相关理论和再结晶模型进行研究的基础上,用Fortran语言开发了一套有限元数值模拟软件,利用这一软件可以模拟镦粗变形时材料再结晶过程,并能计算平均晶粒度,计算结果与已有实验结果吻合。计算结果表明:镦粗过程中,工件与模具接触面附近变形困难,该处几乎不产生动态再结晶,组织性能得不到改善;而工件心部及对角线附近变形量大,动态再结晶充分,因此该处晶粒细小,其组织性能得到了很好的改善。 Based on the study of the related theory of FEM and the model of recrystallization,a program for microstructure simulation was developed with Fortran,which not only could simulate the recrystallization during hot-upsetting,but also could calculate the average grain size.The results of numerical simulation chime with existing experimental results.The results show that during hot-upsetting process,the area near the interface between work-piece and dies is difficult to be deformed and the microstructure and quality is not improved and there is hardly no recrystallization.While deformation of the area near core and diagonal is large enough for adequate dynamic recrystallization to be happened,which produces fine grains so that the microstructure can be improved greatly.
作者 顾勇
出处 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期137-141,共5页 Forging & Stamping Technology
关键词 热镦粗 分析模型 组织模拟 hot-upsetting analysis model microstructure simulation
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