

Study on Matching of Person and Organizational Characteristics Based on Set Pair Analysis
摘要 尝试性整合了PDP测评技术和模糊数学中的集对分析理论思想,提出一套新颖的人与组织动态匹配测评方法。通过实证分析发现,自我特质-职务特质匹配和特质表达-岗位特质匹配不存在相关,而自我特质-特质表达匹配对特质表达-岗位特质匹配具有明显预测力,说明员工管理中,相比甄选员工,更重要的是激发员工发挥本我特质产生胜任力。 On the basis of tentative integration of the PDP evaluation technology and theory of set pair analysis of fuzzy mathematics,a novel method is proposed for evaluating the dynamic matching of person and organization.An empirical analysis indicates that the matching of self-characteristics and job characteristics is not correlated to the matching of characteristics expression and job characteristics,but the matching of self-characteristics and characteristics expression can significantly predict the matching of characteristics expression and job characteristics.It shows that,in the course of staff management,motivating the staff to give full play to their self-characteristics to obtain competency is more important than the selection of employees.
机构地区 中南大学商学院
出处 《矿冶工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期101-105,共5页 Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
关键词 集对分析 人与组织 特质匹配 set pair analysis person-organization matching of characteristics
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