[Objective]To explore the C.T findings of peritoneal mucinous adenocarcinoma(PMCA). [Methods]Four cases pathologically confirmed PMCA were analyzed retrospectively. All patients included gastric mucinous adenocarcinoma, bile duct mucinous adenocarcinoma, appendiceal well-differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma and ovary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma with one in each. [Results] All 4 patients had the primary affection. Among all patients, 3 patients had pelvic and abdominal mucinous ascites which represented mantle and scalloping signs shown by CT scan. Three patients had the thickening of peritonaeum and omentum and the formation of omentum cake. Two patients had right subdiaphragmatic space nodule. Calcification was found in one case. [Conclusion]The primary tumor lesion in pelvic and abdominal cavity represents mantle and scalloping signs, and is accompanied by the thickening of peritonaeum, peritoneal nodule and calcification, and the infiltrating of mesenterium which are helpful for the diagnosis of PMCA.
Journal of Clinical Research