The questions about the formation and uplifting of the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau arevery complex, and they are very attractive to geologists in the world. The Plateau resultedfrom the interaction of the Gondwanaland and the Eurasia continent in a long time. The Qing-hai- Tibet Plateau was assembled to Asia through successive accretion by six terranes. Theboundaries between these terranes are defined by five suture zones. From north to south theorogenic events took place successvely. The Qinghai -Tibet Plateau is the main domain ofTethys. It can be divided into three regions to represent the main locations in the three differ-ent stages. The northern Tethys Region is now occupied by the Kunlun and the Qilian Moun-tains, its remnant is the Fifth suture zone. The rift initiated after the basement had beenformed in Sinian and was closed in Ordovician. The central Tethys Region lies in Hoh Xil-Bayan har. Since Late Palaeozoic, the back-arc bathyal basin continued to break and spread.The trpical oceanic crust was eventually formed in Carboniferous and Permian. The Ocean dur-ing that period is named the Paleo-Tethys, of which the remnant is the Third and the Fourthsuture zone. The southern Tethys Region lies in the southern part of the Qinghai-TibetPlateau. The Yarlung Zangbe suture zone may represent the trace of its its main oceanic basin,and the Banggong-Nujiang suture zone the trace of the back-arc basin. The uplifting of theQinghai- Tibet Plateau is characterised by multiple stage, inhomogeneity and nonuniform ve-locity. It can apparently be divided into four stages, i. e. 45~38, 25~17, 13 ~8 and 3~0Ma, respectively. Although several models have already been proposed, the questions concern-ing the formtion and uplifting of the Qnghai - Tibet Plateau have not been resolved. Based onnew experimental results and data of geology, geophysics and geochemistry, a new model, i. e.superimposed flattening and thermal dynamic model, is put forward for the formation and up-lifting mechanism of the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau in this paper.
Earth Science Frontiers
Qnghai- Tibet Plateau, formation, uplifting, mechanism, model, superimposed flattening