
古生物学术语冠群和干群的释义问题 被引量:2

Definition of Two Paleontological Terms:Crown Group and Stem Group
摘要 对冠群和干群的概念沿革进行了回顾,认为应该遵从这两个术语的原始定义,对其释义的改变不利于学术交流。 The authors reviewed the history of concepts of crown group and stem group, and suggested that the original definition of these two terms should be followed ,and any later changes of the concepts may not be beneficial for scientific communications.
出处 《中国科技术语》 2010年第4期57-58,62,共3页 CHINA TERMINOLOGY
关键词 冠群 干群 分支系统学 crown group, stem group, cladistic
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